テーマ / Theme
We are ICCP 🙌 (International Co-Creation Platform)
Our goal is to provide an opportunity for locals and internationals to interact.
1. Interaction of Locals🇯🇵 ✖️Internationals 🌎
2. Share the moment of inspiring experience
3. Think about career from global perspective
4. Go through On-Site overseas program
設立背景 / Background of Foundation
ICCP was founded on request from university officials.
We see lots of International students on the campus,
but rarely have communication with them…
Most of interaction with locals are through social gathering event on occasion. Also it’s not open…
活動 / Our activities
Activity1. Meet-Up Event
①Discussion Session
Locals and Internationals discuss or tackle the assigned issue together and give presentation.
イベント例 / example)
・What your future career would be ?
・Case study on actual business situation.
・Environment problems to know
・International Affairs
②Networking Session
Introduce yourself to get to know each other and find a pair of buddy in the several sessions. Reporting on the last month’s activity is also taken place.
Activity2. Buddy System
Pair a buddy of Locals × Internationals and interact for about one month, and then share the experience with other buddies.
Activity3. Overseas Program
Visit foreign universities, research institute, or laboratories etc in the mid-term vacation.
Past Program (2023 Apr – 2024 Apr)
台湾研修 / Taiwan Program
宇宙線研究所の佐川元教授の引率のもと、海外大学との交流活動や国際研修を行う。産学官連携活動として、現地の研究者講演や研究室訪問等も行われた。(2023 Sep 22nd – 30th)
Exchange activities and international training with overseas universities are conducted by Professor Hajime Sagawa of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research. Industry-academia-government collaboration activities including lectures by local researchers and laboratory visits.
韓国国際交流 / Interaction with students from Korea
Had an International conference with local university students.
アメリカ国際交流 / International exchange in the U.S.
Hold an international conference with NYC University and hold a workshop on Japanese culture
Exchange with members of Todai NY (Todai alumni) to learn about “Career Development in New York
ハーバードアジア国際会議(HPAIR)実行委員会 / HPAIR Bidding Committee
Bidding activities to attract HPAIR to University Tokyo, Hongo Campus. In HPAIR, notable guests from various field give speech or lecure every year to no less than 300 global young leaders.
(3rd Branch: HPAIR bidding committee, MESA)
ベトナム女性支援 / Support for women in Vietnam
Working with the University of Tokyo’s Vietnamese Student Organization and Zensho to resolve poverty and education issues for women in Vietnam.